At The Federal Defenders, we believe a well-informed client is the best client. The more information you have at your disposal, the better educated you’ll be about the criminal justice system. That will in turn help you make better decisions, should you be in that situation. This page, indeed, this entire website, is intended to help you better understand federal criminal law. Take a moment to review our Legal Blog, the FAQs and the Legal Terms provided in these pages to gain a better understanding about common topics and issues pertaining to federal criminal law. Call or write us if you think there are topics/issues we should add to this website to better inform the public. We love what we do and we’re passionate about representing people accused of federal crimes.

A blog should educate and inform. That’s the goal with our legal blog section. We want readers to be informed about important legal topics and events occurring in federal criminal law. For this reason, we strive to post timely and engaging blogs that will serve to educate, inform and, once in a while, entertain. Are there topics you’d like to see addressed? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to address them. As you peruse our blog articles, we wish you happy reading.

The purpose behind our frequently asked questions, or FAQs, is to provide readers with responses to some of the most common questions we get asked by clients. Federal criminal law is complex and there are a multitude of complicated legal issues that can be implicated in even an “average” case. For this reason, we hope to address a lot of those topics in our FAQs that might help a current or future client, or anyone else for that matter that’s wrestling with finding good answers, gain a better understanding of the law and the criminal justice process.

There a lot of terms and jargon in federal criminal law that are simply foreign to most people. For this reason, we created a section on this website dedicated to providing answers to common legal terms. Terms that get used with frequency by lawyers, judges and investigators. Similar to FAQs, this section will provide valuable information for the reader.

The law is very nuanced. Federal prosecutors have almost unlimited advantages and resources at their disposal. Having attorneys on your team that understand the law, keep abreast of legal developments in the law, have the experience dealing with the complexities of federal statutes and, finally, possess the skills to stand before a jury to make a compelling case on behalf of a client are not just important qualities, they’re critical. At The Federal Defenders we pride ourselves on being advocates for our clients. With decades of experience with all variety and manner of federal criminal issues and defenses, we understand what it takes to put our clients in a winning position. For a free and confidential consultation, call us today at (800) 712-0000. Just like our toll-free number, we operate nationwide.